Celebrate Babies Event Stresses ‘Start Where You Are, Do What you Can’ to Support Florida’s Youngest Generation

October 30, 2024
For immediate release
Media contact: Cara Scarola Hansen
Center for Child Counseling Public Relations Counsel

Celebrate Babies Event Stresses ‘Start Where You Are, Do What you Can’ to Support Florida’s Youngest Generation
Former Attorney General of California Nadine Burke Harris, M.D. calls for a national public health strategy to address the public health crisis of Florida’s youngest generation at Celebrate Babies event. 

“You don’t have to boil the ocean, you just have to play your position” was Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.’s resounding message at the “Celebrate Babies” hybrid event that took place on Tuesday, October 22 at The Breakers and online. Center for Child Counseling in partnership with Florida Association of Infant Mental Health hosted the luncheon to help better shape the future of Florida’s youngest generation. 

With Kathy Leone as the honorary chair and WPTV Channel 5’s Ashley Glass as the emcee, they led statewide business and system leaders in an interactive conversation with Dr. Burke Harris that explored the profound impact of early adversity and trauma on childhood development and how each person can play their part.

Burke Harris is the former attorney general of California and an internationally renowned pediatrician, public health advocate, and author. She is best known for her pioneering work in the field of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress.

175 by-special-invitation-only attendees filled the Venetian Ballroom at The Breakers while more than 200 from around the globe joined virtually. The event took place during Celebrate Babies Week–a week dedicated to celebrating infants, toddlers, young children, their families, and early childhood professionals across the globe.

Prior to the main address from Burke Harris, David Lawrence, Jr., founder and board chair of The Children’s Movement of Florida, underscored the essential role that each attendee plays in “ensuring the workforce–the people–are equipped with the skills and support we need to help children and their families in this world with so many with adverse childhood experiences.”   

Lawrence shared his understanding of mental health is based on “our first relationships–how our parents care for us, love us, talk to us, smile at us or don’t smile at us–shape how our brains and bodies develop.”

He emphasized that every child deserves nurturing and caring adults and that all children deserve to be safe and loved: “You can’t build a movement based on those people, those children. It’s about our children and everybody’s child.” 

Both Lawrence and Burke Harris echoed that science clearly confirms what happens early in life impacts everything–early events are carried with us for the rest of our lives and into our future families and communities. 

Dr. Burke Harris is the one who thrust the subject of adverse childhood experiences into our national consciousness and dialogue. The understanding of ACEs today is due to her insights and work in revealing how early adverse events affect lifelong health and well-being—for individuals, families, and communities. Burke Harris gave the overview of how society is grappling with big, complex issues: a youth mental health crisis, crime and overflowing jails, uncontrollable addiction, and generational cycles of abuse and trauma left on repeat. These dilemmas are often the result of unbuffered, untreated trauma experienced early in life.

Despite this bleak outlook, she gave hope and reason to celebrate “that ACEs are not destiny…with early detection and evidenced-based intervention, we can transform health outcomes.”

Emphasizing that our babies can be better from birth–for the rest of their lives–Dr. Burke Harris energetically described a systems-based solution and stated, “We can do this, and we don’t have to do it alone.” 

“In addition to doing the evidenced-based work that we know makes a difference on the individual level, it’s also really important for us to align our systems so that they can actually generate better outcomes.” 

As Attorney General In California, Burke Harris led the way in deploying a coordinated public health approach, inclduding: research on toxic stress; screening for ACEs in primary care; trauma-informed clinical care; county and local network of care coordination; cross-sector training and competency (for educators, the justice system, and across the board); and public awareness and education. Through California’s statewide ACEs Aware initiative, they helped teach primary care providers how to screen for ACEs. Using the results of the ACE screenings, they changed patient’s access to care by changing eligibility through medicaid. 

“In most of the country, in order to get access to services–mental health services–a person has to have a mental health diagnosis. In fact, if you don’t have a mental health diagnosis, the mental health provider can’t even get paid. They can’t bill…but we know that exposure to ACEs dramatically increases the risk that someone will have an adverse outcome. So, if you’re telling me that you can’t even get services until you’ve proven that you had an adverse outcome, guess what we’re going to keep on seeing? Adverse outcomes! So, this is the reason why we have a system that systematically generates poor outcomes, because you can’t get access to services until you’ve had a poor outcome.” 

According to the CDC, the cost in Florida for untreated ACEs is $796 billion: nationally that cost is $14.1 trillion per year. 

Burke Harris touted our nation’s ability to treat public health crises, citing: the reduction in cigarette smoking amongst high school seniors from 25% in 1976 to 3.6% in 2018; death rates from HIV AIDS dramatically declined over the course of 30 years from a six month mean mortality to now the life expectancy being greater than 50 years from diagnosis. 

She exclaimed, “We have done it before, we can do it again, and for $14.1 trillion a year we can’t afford not to. The time is now!”

In her final statements, Burke Harris acknowledged that “so many of us are living with our own ACEs and that to do this work, self-care is not selfish. Do not forget to put your own oxygen mask on because we need you in this fight.”  

She advised the audience members that as much as they likely want to fix the whole system at once to: “Start where you are, do what you can…You don’t have to boil the ocean, you just have to play your position.” 

Burke Harris gave the examples of philanthropists targeting their dollars; policy makers elevating policies that recognize and support healthcare providers to do their work in ways that prevent adverse outcomes; educators learning about ACEs and toxic stress and recognizing some of the best practices for providing safe, stable, and nurturing environments in the classroom. 

In the closing remarks of the luncheon, CEO of Center for Child Counseling Renée Layman thanked Dr. Burke Harris “for significantly moving the science and humanity of this work forward on behalf of all of us who envision a world without ACEs for our babies and children.”

As a Palm Beach County based nonprofit, Center for Child Counseling focuses on a public health approach to building awareness and action around addressing childhood adversity and trauma. CFCC was founded in 1999 with the vision that every child will grow up feeling safe and nurtured in communities where they can thrive. Using a prevention and healing-centered lens, CFCC focuses on changing the systems and practices that keep adversity and trauma firmly in place.

Center for Child Counseling partners with other agencies in the community and throughout the state, such as FAIMH, to host events like “Celebrating Babies” in order for all community members to understand and own the idea that we each have a stake and role in child and family wellbeing. 

According to Layman, “Children have tremendous potential–which our society needs–and which we have a shared obligation to foster and protect”.

CFCC announced they will welcome back Dr. Burke Harris in person to their Lead the Fight 2025 event on Friday, February 28 at the Kravis Center. For more information on the upcoming event and joining the fight against ACEs, visit: centerforchildcounseling.org/leadthefight

About Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.:
Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., MH, FAAP is an internationally renowned pediatrician, public health advocate, and author–best known for her pioneering work in the field of ACEs and toxic stress.

Dr. Burke Harris is the founder and former CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, an organization dedicated to improving the health of children exposed to ACEs. Dr. Burke Harris served as California’s first Surgeon General, where she focused on addressing the root causes of health disparities and promoting early interventions for childhood trauma. Her influential book, “The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity,” has brought widespread attention to the impact of early adversity on long-term health and well-being.

About Center for Child Counseling
Center for Child Counseling has been building the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for children and families in Palm Beach County since 1999. Its services focus on preventing and healing the effects of adverse experiences and toxic stress on children, promoting resiliency and healthy family, school, and community relationships. www.centerforchildcounseling.org Twitter: @ChildCounselPBC Facebook: @CenterforChildCounseling Instagram: @childcounselpbc


Breakfast rallies community members to ‘Lead the Fight’ against ACEs


February 14, 2023
For immediate release
Media contact: Cara Scarola Hansen
Center for Child Counseling Public Relations Counsel

Breakfast rallies community members to ‘Lead the Fight’ against ACEs

“We do not have to wait for a child to fall apart to help.” That was the resounding message in Center for Child Counseling’s 2023 Lead the Fight kick-off event that took place on Thursday, February 9 at Tideline Ocean Resort & Spa. Co-hosted with The Haley Foundation and emceed by WPTV Channel 5’s Ashley Glass, the ‘From ACEs to Safety’ breakfast served as a springboard for important conversations with business, philanthropic, and civic leaders to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and childhood trauma.

120 by-special-invitation-only attendees heard first-hand how feeling safe is essential to positively addressing ACEs and were inspired to help more children feel safe and loved in a challenging world. The breakfast featured: Dr. Jon Sperry, associate professor in the clinical mental health counseling program at Lynn University, and Bailey Hughes, foster/adoptive mother and advocate leading the fight against ACEs.

Center for Child Counseling CEO Renée Layman explained how ACEs impact the health and wellness of our children, families, and entire community. The big issues with which our society is grappling–violence, addiction, child abuse–all have their roots in childhood trauma and ACEs. In 2022, the Center’s clinical programs supported over 7,000 children, many facing unspeakable abuse and trauma. Today, 674 kids are on the agency’s waitlist for services.

Layman emphasized that with limited funding, staffing, and resources, mental health professionals “can’t do it all.” Rather than wait for the child to fall apart emotionally and our societal systems to respond with monies first spent on prosecution and jail, she spoke of prevention with community involvement–“each and every one of us.”

Action and solutions for prevention and early intervention include: utilizing a public health framework; providing free information and resources to parents, teachers, and other adults who raise or work with children; training adults on how to recognize and respond to trauma in children; integrating child mental health screenings and early intervention supports in schools and pediatric offices; fighting child sexual abuse and trafficking with lifesaving personal safety and trafficking prevention eduction; building trauma-informed communities.

“This work cannot be done alone. This work is fueled by individuals, businesses, and foundations who understand our entire success as a community depends on raising healthy children into adults who contribute to the greater workforce, economy, and quality of life for everyone,” stated Layman.

In Dr. Sperry’s engaging keynote address, he explained the global research he conducted in 2019. He traveled to four different continents interviewing therapists from 24 different countries about their perceived competence in providing trauma counseling. He found that the majority of participants reported being unequipped and underprepared to provide trauma counseling.

Given this very concerning reality, especially related to the prevalence of ACEs that has been identified in the trauma literature, Sperry praised Center for Child Counseling for the work they are doing in our community: “The really amazing part about what they are bringing to the community is that they are raising the bar of mental health by training the therapists, the teachers, the different community partners about these concepts.”

Hughes, a former foster mother of 23, adoptive mother of four, and former special educator for the Palm Beach County School District, affirmed Sperry’s sentiments regarding the role Center for Child Counseling is playing in Palm Beach County and beyond. In her testimonial, Hughes recounted her experience fostering and then adopting her daughters, Aria and Asia, and credited the Center for “saving our lives. Without the therapy and skills we gained as a family, our inability to cope with trauma would have stifled any hope for success for our children or our family as a whole.”

Photo by @prizmaphotoShe conveyed the necessity of therapeutic intervention and the benefits of play therapy when parenting a child with extreme trauma. Hughes described her first experience in the playroom with Aria and her therapist where Aria chose “the most violent toys in the room to play with” and pretended to kill Hughes within the first two minutes into the session. 

“I laid dead on that floor while my child acted out an entire traumatic scene that no four-year-old could possibly have known unless they had witnessed it themselves.” 

When the session ended that day, the therapist explained to Hughes that Aria was acting out her trauma because children often do not have the language or development to explain what happened to them. 

“I finally understood the purpose of play therapy…Eunice created a safe place for my daughter to display some of the most treacherous moments of her life. She built a connection that helped her know it was a judgment free zone, and Aria could do and say and be whoever or whatever she wanted to be in that room, and that she would be supported,” Hughes explained.

Without a dry eye in the room, Hughes closed with, “We can all know better and do better. Our job, to ensure a future we all want to be a part of, is to safeguard our children.”

Following the featured speakers, Haley called on the attendees in the room to join in leading the fight against ACEs by committing to taking action: become ACEs aware and informed through training; invest in early childhood development; join the Center’s new Giving Circle; or send letters and information provided by the Center to policy makers urging them to drive supportive change. 

Center for Child Counseling, in conjunction with Leadership Palm Beach County Class of 2017, developed ‘Lead the Fight’ in 2016 to bring awareness to system leaders around fighting childhood adversity with advocacy and action. In 2021, the event was transformed into a virtual action series in response to the pandemic and the urgent need to move forward policies and practices that support children’s mental health and resilience. Virtual conversations continued in 2022.

The 2023 Lead the Fight series will continue with monthly conversations and events through June, hosting nationally- and internationally-recognized experts on various topics. With great excitement, Layman closed the breakfast with the announcement that the next event will feature trauma and addiction expert and international best-selling author Dr. Gabor Maté. Kathy Leone, Vice Chairman of the Community Alliance of Palm Beach County, will chair the event at The Breakers. More information and registration will be available soon at www.centerforchildcounseling.org/leadthefight

Partnership sponsors who are leading the fight in making these important and necessary panel conversations possible include: The Haley Foundation, Lovelight Foundation, First Republic Bank, Lighthouse ArtCenter, Premier Pediatrics, Stephens & Stevens, Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart Shipley, Florida Association for Infant Mental Health, The Journey Institute, SageView Advisory Group, and WPTV News Channel 5

The Center’s Fighting ACEs initiative to build trauma-informed communities is made possible with the generous support of Quantum Foundation, Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, and private donors.

About Center for Child Counseling:

Center for Child Counseling has been building the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for children and families in Palm Beach County since 1999. Its services focus on preventing and healing the effects of adverse experiences and toxic stress on children, promoting resiliency and healthy family, school, and community relationships. As of October 2022, KidSafe Foundation now operates under Center for Child Counseling as the two entities are now stronger together in their education and prevention of child sexual abuse and childhood trauma.
www.centerforchildcounseling.org Twitter: @ChildCounselPBC Facebook: @CenterforChildCounseling Instagram: @childcounselpbc


Photo credit: Dario Maldonado, Prizma Photo

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Boys & Girls Clubs Becoming Trauma-Informed and ACEs-Aware

November 4, 2022
For immediate release
Media contact: Cara Scarola Hansen
Center for Child Counseling Public Relations Counsel

Darla Mullenix from CFCC leads Michael Connors, Mary Freitas, Victor Rivera, and Jaene Miranda from BGCPBC in a brain game.

Boys & Girls Clubs Becoming Trauma-Informed and ACEs-Aware
Center for Child Counseling launches training and starts with the Board of Directors

As part of Center for Child Counseling’s (CFCC) mission to build trauma-informed communities, the local nonprofit recently launched a training series with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County in their effort to become a trauma-informed organization.

According to Dr. Robert Block, former president of American Academy of Pediatrics, “Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.”

45% of U.S. children have at least one ACE; 10% have three or more. Research indicates a strong correlation between high ACE scores and health outcomes. Adults with four or more ACEs have five times the depression risk, ten times the intravenous drug use, and 12 times the suicide rate. On average, they die 20 years younger than those with no ACEs.

Research also shows ACEs are not destiny and there are pathways to healing and wellness through buffering relationships and effective, early intervention.

Promoting a trauma-informed workforce with demonstrated knowledge and skills is an important component to comprehensively addressing ACEs in communities and improving long-term health and wellness outcomes.

“For better or worse, we all bring our childhood experiences with us into our adult relationships. Unresolved adversity and trauma can have direct impacts. Stress can overload the ability to manage emotions, not only impacting interactions with children but also with colleagues. If you care about your staff burnout, turnover, and your bottom line, you need to care about ACEs,” stated Renée Layman, CEO of Center for Child Counseling.

Through the Center’s PACEs (Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Trauma-Informed Care Training, CFCC’s CEO and designated leaders provide a customized training schedule to the organization being trained and begin with the CEO, Board of Directors, and leadership team. On Friday, October 28, 2022, CFCC started the training for the Boys & Girls Clubs with its 33-member Board of Directors.

A shared language and understanding from the CEO and throughout all levels of an organization promotes a culture that truly shifts mindsets–providing optimal support for staff that in turn promotes the resilience and wellbeing of children that comes from healthy child-caregiver relationships. It is critical that all adults are equipped with trauma-informed training, strategies, and skills to be able to have trauma-informed conversations with children, youth, and families about difficult things.

“We are most grateful to Renée and her amazing team for the work they are doing in our community and being a part of our recent board retreat as we laid the foundation for a better future at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County. We look forward to the continued training for all constituents of the Boys & Girls Clubs,” expressed Jaene Miranda, CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County.

Next, CFCC will train the Boys & Girls Clubs’ leadership team and then 400+ staff members. The 20 Boys & Girls Clubs throughout Palm Beach County serve more than 10,000 children ages 6-18.

This training is part of CFCC’s overall goal of supporting child-serving organizations in becoming trauma-informed and has been funded through a grant from the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties to promote child and adolescent resilience and equity.

For more information on Center for Child Counseling and its PACEs and Trauma-Informed Care Training for childcare centers, schools, and organizations, visit: centerforchildcounseling.org/traumainformedcare.


Boys & Girls Clubs Becoming Trauma-Informed and ACEs-Aware

November 4, 2022
For immediate release
Media contact: Cara Scarola Hansen
Center for Child Counseling Public Relations Counsel

Darla Mullenix from CFCC leads Michael Connors, Mary Freitas, Victor Rivera, and Jaene Miranda from BGCPBC in a brain game.

Boys & Girls Clubs Becoming Trauma-Informed and ACEs-Aware
Center for Child Counseling launches training and starts with the Board of Directors

As part of Center for Child Counseling’s (CFCC) mission to build trauma-informed communities, the local nonprofit recently launched a training series with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County in their effort to become a trauma-informed organization.

According to Dr. Robert Block, former president of American Academy of Pediatrics, “Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.”

45% of U.S. children have at least one ACE; 10% have three or more. Research indicates a strong correlation between high ACE scores and health outcomes. Adults with four or more ACEs have five times the depression risk, ten times the intravenous drug use, and 12 times the suicide rate. On average, they die 20 years younger than those with no ACEs.

Research also shows ACEs are not destiny and there are pathways to healing and wellness through buffering relationships and effective, early intervention.

Promoting a trauma-informed workforce with demonstrated knowledge and skills is an important component to comprehensively addressing ACEs in communities and improving long-term health and wellness outcomes.

“For better or worse, we all bring our childhood experiences with us into our adult relationships. Unresolved adversity and trauma can have direct impacts. Stress can overload the ability to manage emotions, not only impacting interactions with children but also with colleagues. If you care about your staff burnout, turnover, and your bottom line, you need to care about ACEs,” stated Renée Layman, CEO of Center for Child Counseling.

Through the Center’s PACEs (Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Trauma-Informed Care Training, CFCC’s CEO and designated leaders provide a customized training schedule to the organization being trained and begin with the CEO, Board of Directors, and leadership team. On Friday, October 28, 2022, CFCC started the training for the Boys & Girls Clubs with its 33-member Board of Directors.

A shared language and understanding from the CEO and throughout all levels of an organization promotes a culture that truly shifts mindsets–providing optimal support for staff that in turn promotes the resilience and wellbeing of children that comes from healthy child-caregiver relationships. It is critical that all adults are equipped with trauma-informed training, strategies, and skills to be able to have trauma-informed conversations with children, youth, and families about difficult things.

“We are most grateful to Renée and her amazing team for the work they are doing in our community and being a part of our recent board retreat as we laid the foundation for a better future at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County. We look forward to the continued training for all constituents of the Boys & Girls Clubs,” expressed Jaene Miranda, CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County.

Next, CFCC will train the Boys & Girls Clubs’ leadership team and then 400+ staff members. The 20 Boys & Girls Clubs throughout Palm Beach County serve more than 10,000 children ages 6-18.

This training is part of CFCC’s overall goal of supporting child-serving organizations in becoming trauma-informed and has been funded through a grant from the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties to promote child and adolescent resilience and equity.

For more information on Center for Child Counseling and its PACEs and Trauma-Informed Care Training for childcare centers, schools, and organizations, visit: centerforchildcounseling.org/traumainformedcare.


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