White Paper: A Public Health Approach to Fighting ACEs

Read the White Paper

The science of early adversity tells us that in the absence of buffering relationships, toxic stress in childhood can change the architecture of the developing brain. It impacts everything--classroom behavior, learning and comprehension, the ability to self-regulate--and heightens the risk for future health problems.

Yet, as a society, we continue to invest deeply in deep-end interventions rather than addressing the root causes of so many of society’s issues – from soaring rates of teen depression and suicide, to school shootings, to the opioid epidemic. These issues are further complicated by racism, poverty, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

If we truly believe the science and over twenty years of research available to us on the topics of ACEs, trauma, and the impact of unbuffered toxic stress, then we cannot afford a "business as usual" attitude. We are at the tipping point where awareness must become action. Information alone does not change behavior; however, if we have systemic reinforcements, we can create a coordinated effort for tangible, sustainable change.

Our vision is powerful and ambitious.

We believe our children and the next generation deserve better. We know we can effectively address this public health crisis together, with a public health approach, if we can move past inertia and give our aspirations the chance to grow and bear fruit.

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