In the absence of buffering, protective relationships, toxic stress in childhood impacts an individual's health and well-being across the lifetime. Our PACEs (Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Trauma-Informed Care training and consultation provide participants, schools, and organizations with knowledge and effective strategies that can be immediately implemented.
Training options include live in-person or virtual and on-demand, online learning. Our live workshops are individualized for each setting, with practical ways to integrate strategies into your work.
Training Options
Want to stay up-to-date on best practices? Through our Institute for Clinical Training, we provide an array of live and online training options for improving your work and trauma-informed practice. We customize training for your organization, including...
- ACEs, Trauma, and Toxic Stress Intensive: This 4.5 hour training is a live, deep dive into PACEs, trauma-informed care, and practical strategies to integrate into practice.
- ACEs, Trauma, and Toxic Stress Advanced: Trauma-Informed and PACEs Aware, all about brain development and baby toxic stress. This 4.5 hour live training takes a deeper look at the types of trauma, brain development, impact of toxic stress on mother and baby, epigenetics, and much more.
- Trauma-Informed Care Consultation: Need support integrating strategies into your workplace? After you engage in training, we can provide follow-up, monthly consultation to support integration of practices.
To request training for your organization, please fill out the form below.
PACEs and TIC Training Levels
Level 1: ACEs, Trauma, and Toxic Stress
In the absence of protective relationships, toxic stress in childhood impacts an individual's well-being across the lifetime.
This workshop provides an overview of the ACE study, trauma, toxic stress and the impact on health. Resilience and building a trauma-informed approach is also explored.
This 1.5 hour workshop is appropriate for teachers, caregivers, professionals, and anyone who is interested in learning more about how adverse childhood experiences impact children...and what we can all do to foster resilience throughout the lifespan.
Learning Objectives
- Participants will learn...
- About the ACE study, including outcomes and findings;
- Definition of toxic stress and its impact on the developing brain in early childhood and throughout the lifespan;
- Impact of early adversity on lifelong health, mental and physical;
- About the ACEs and Resilience Surveys; and
- The importance of creating trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on the findings of the ACEs research.
Learn online, on-demand from the comfort of your office or home! Click to learn more or register.
Level 2: ACEs, Trauma to Resilience
This workshop provides an overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study, the Impact of ACEs, Brain Development, and Building Resilience.
Learning Objectives
In the live, 4-hour interactive workshop participants will learn:
- About the ACE study, including the ACE pyramid which provides the conceptual framework for the study;
- Outcomes and findings of the ACE study;
- Team building exercise with the Brain Architecture Game;
- Definition of toxic Stress and its Impact on the developing brain in early childhood and throughout the lifespan;
- Impact of early adversity on lifelong health, mental and physical;
- About the ACEs and Resilience Surveys, including participants' own scores;
- How resilience trumps ACEs;
- The importance of creating trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on the findings of the ACEs research;
- Role plays practicing effective communication strategies, including reflective statements; and
- Shifting thinking and practice to become trauma-Informed.
Or learn online with our 2.5 hour online, on-demand workshop from the comfort of your office or home! Click to learn more or register.
Level 3: PACEs: Building Trauma Informed Communities
Learning Objectives
In this 4.5 hour live, intensive workshop, participants will learn about:
- Types of trauma, including individual and community levels;
- Brain development and neuroscience;
- About the stress response system, and the impact of toxic stress;
- An in-depth look at positive and adverse childhood experiences and its impact on the individual;
- ACEs in the community, including and overview of epigenetics and historical Trauma and toxic stress;
- A look at the impact of trauma and toxic stress on the mother and on the baby;
- The antidote to ACEs, Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs); and
- About resilience, with early intervention strategies.
*Participants must have completed level 1 and/or 2 prior to completing level 3.
Level 4: PACEs, Trauma, and Toxic Stress Intensive
Learning Objectives:
- In this day-long intensive, participants will learn...
- About the ACE study, including the ACE Pyramid which provides the conceptual framework for the study;
- Outcomes and findings of the ACE study;
- Definition of toxic stress and its impact on the developing brain in early childhood and throughout the Lifespan;
- Impact of early adversity on lifelong health, mental and physical;
- About the ACEs and resilience Surveys, including reflecting on their own scores;
- How resilience trumps ACEs;
- The importance of creating trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on the findings of the ACEs research;
- Role plays practicing effective communication strategies, including reflective statements;
- About the antidote to ACEs, Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs); and
- About resilience, with targeted early intervention strategies; and
- Shifting thinking and practice to become trauma-informed
*Participants must have completed level 1 and/or 2 and level 3 prior to completing level 4.
Additional Requirements
Participants are required to complete and sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) agreeing not to use proprietary CFCC content. This training is limited to 12 participants.
Introduction to ACEs
Before taking our more advanced PACEs and trauma-informed care workshop, we recommend starting with our 1.5 hour online, introductory ACEs, Trauma, and Toxic Stress workshop which provides a general introduction to the topic.
Available on-demand for 30 days, the workshop is appropriate for teachers, caregivers, professionals, and anyone interested in learning more about adverse childhood experiences and fostering resilience.
By shifting our perspective and recognizing that behaviors may be fueled by feelings a child may not be able to manage, we are able to build the foundation to help children impacted by adversity. Learn more or register now.
Fighting ACEs
Sign up now for news, events, and education about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and promoting resilience.
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