About Us

We Believe All Children Should Feel Safe and Loved

Our Vision

Resilient, thriving children in healthy families and safe communities.

Our Mission

Center for Child Counseling is building the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for children, families, and communities.

2023 Community Impact Report

HOPE is a strategy. Without it, we give in, give up, and believe this world is good enough for our kids.

In a world where uncertainties loom large, our commitment to safety, connection, and protection has never been more crucial. We know that safety is not just a physical state, but also a sense of emotional security that every child deserves to feel. Through science-backed yet compassionate programs and initiatives, we create environments where children feel seen, heard, and valued — where they can thrive without fear.

Positive connection is the core of our work.

We recognize that healing cannot occur in isolation, and that genuine human connections hold the power to uplift and transform lives at every stage and age. By fostering meaningful relationships and positive experiences with those we serve, we not only provide support, but instill traits of belonging and resilience that can see them through life’s many challenges.

The 2020 Vision Impact Report

Annual Reports

Our 2020 Annual Impact Report reflects a chronology of community response in the face of the pandemic.

We are deeply grateful to our staff, Board of Directors, partners, and donors for supporting our critical mission.

For more information about our work over the years, click below for previous annual impact reports:

Center for Child Counseling 990s: 2022 - 2023; 2021 - 2022; and 2020 - 2021.


The Strategy Behind Our Vision

Our Strategic Plan

A plan is pointless without profound purpose and a bold drive to succeed. As we begin our new three-year strategic plan, we intentionally set a vision that is brilliant, challenging, and a test of our mission and character.

This plan is informed and designed by the diverse needs and views of our people: the Center for Child Counseling board, leadership, therapists, staff, administrators, funding partners – and most importantly, the children and families we serve – because there is no vision attained without the inclusion and ownership of each contributing member.

This plan looks to the sun as a representation of our vision: a force of illumination that shows the way, with each beam and ray joining to create a bright center of light, warmth, and healing we all come to share. Read it now.

Our Core Values

Center for Child Counseling is committed to using a trauma-informed equity lens in all aspects of our work and services. We also endorse the Diversity-Informed Tenets developed by the Irving Harris Foundation.

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