New Grant Gives HOPE to Parents and Children in Palm Beach County

October 18, 2024
For immediate release
Media contact: Cara Scarola Hansen
Center for Child Counseling Public Relations Counsel

New Grant Gives HOPE to Parents and Children in Palm Beach County
Center for Child Counseling promotes healthy outcomes and positive experiences within families with a $130,000/year grant from the Youth Services Department. 

Local nonprofit Center for Child Counseling (CFCC) recently secured funding from Palm Beach County Youth Services Department to promote HOPE–healthy outcomes from positive experiences–within families. The $130,000 award per year over the next three years for Project Promoting Family HOPE will be used to offer parent/caregiver education and support to address the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), trauma, and toxic stress. By integrating prevention and early intervention at the family level, parents and caregivers can create safe, supportive environments that promote resilience, healthy relationships, and well-being. 

According to CFCC CEO Renée Layman, “HOPE is a strategy. Without it, we give in, give up, and believe this world is good enough for our kids.”

Positive connection is at the core of CFCC’s work and mission to build the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for children, families, and communities. Through prevention and early intervention, the agency strives to address the root causes of mental health struggles early on, to mitigate crises before they escalate. The Center is fighting ACEs and the youth mental health crisis with the best weapon possible: positive childhood experiences (PCEs) grounded in trauma-informed positive relationships and support. 

Project Promoting Family HOPE provides two-generation interventions aimed at promoting positive parenting, nurturing relationships, safe environments, and opportunities for social and emotional development. Adults who report higher numbers of PCEs are less likely to experience depression or poor mental health, and adolescents who have positive experiences during childhood are less likely to develop mental health problems later in life. 

This project focuses on enhancing the capacities of people who live and work with children to mitigate the impact of ACEs and promote HOPE. Evidenced-based strategies and education will focus on youth and families exposed to a variety of stressors, including: harsh parenting strategies, including abuse; domestic and/or community violence; caregiver arrest, incarceration, or absence from the home; caregiver or family history of addiction, substance misuse, mental illness; homelessness or lack of housing stability; family member’s chronic illness or sudden death; separation from parents or placement in the foster care system. 

“No family should shoulder the burden of parenthood alone, especially in a world that feels increasingly disconnected, with mounting economic and political stress. Our data reflects high levels of parent/caregiver dysregulation. But there is hope. All parents can benefit from a listening ear, a guiding hand, or simply a respite from the daily grind of parenthood. Our goal is to give parents this hope so that they can be the positive force in their children’s growth. So their kids can grow and develop into healthy, resilient adults,” stated Layman. 

Through the PBC Youth Services Department grant, the Center is able to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate parent/caregiver and professional education through various curricular materials and workshops. For instance, A Way of Being with Children: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Building Safety and Resilience, is a new research-based curriculum developed for adults who work or live with elementary-aged children and includes a 140-page manual with access to tip sheets, videos, and workshops. This curriculum is being delivered live, in-person or via Zoom, and has content available on CFCC’s learning management system at Educational materials and workshops are offered in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole

For more information, visit 

About Center for Child Counseling
Since 1999, Center for Child Counseling has been building the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for children and families in Palm Beach County. Its services focus on preventing and healing the effects of adverse experiences and toxic stress on children, promoting resiliency and healthy family, school, and community relationships. For more information visit, 

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