Termination in Play Therapy

The focus of this 1 hour online, on-demand training is effective termination of Play Therapy services

Termination is a crucial aspect of any therapy process and can be difficult for both client and therapist. However, when done successfully, the end of therapy can be a positive experience with a long-lasting impact on both the client and therapist. Termination of therapy is an opportunity for closure and for the client and therapist to review the personal growth that has unfolded over the course of treatment.

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Describe the importance of proper termination in Play Therapy.
  2. Identify procedures of ending the Play Therapy experience.
  3. Explain the process of terminating therapeutic relationship between clients and therapists in the playroom.
  4. List at least 3 termination activities to use in Play Therapy.

CLICK HERE to learn more or register now.

The cost of this 60-minute on-demand workshop is $25, including 1 non-contact APT CEs and State of Florida CEUs. Note: Play Therapy credit may not be awarded to non-mental health professionals.

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