Parent and Caregiver Resources

Resources to Support Your Family's Well-Being

Your relationship with the children in your care builds the foundation for their lifelong physical and mental health. What we learn and experience during the first few years of life stays with us and whether those experiences are positive and help to build resilience determines our future success in academia, friendships, and relationships as we reach maturity.

We are a resource for you. We work to provide helpful, reliable, and scientifically-sound resources for you to promote family and child well-being and resilience.

National Resources

When you visit these sites for information and resources, you know that it will be sound, reliable advice:

Articles, Tip Sheets, and Videos

School Shootings

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) offers a variety of resources for discussing traumatic events with children. Visit their page for a variety on resources on coping after a school shooting. Some topics, with downloadable information, include:

Other Information and Resources:

The Child Mind Institute is a comprehensive resource for parents and caregivers! Their Family Resource Center has a variety of topics that you can explore, from anxiety and bedwetting to self-harm and trauma.

Prevention Education

Our Resources

Preventing Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Trafficking.

Children who educated about their personal safety are more empowered to report when they feel "uncomfortable" thereby preventing sexual abuse or a continuous cycle of abuse and a lifetime of health concerns.

Stay KidSafe!™ is an innovative, evidence-informed and research-based curriculum designed for children, from kindergarten to 5th grade.

Crisis and Warm Lines

Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for children ages 10-24 in Florida, making teenage suicide a serious and growing problem. Everyone has a role to play in suicide prevention, and schools, families, and communities can provide help and support for children and teens.

Suicidal individuals may not ask for help, but that doesn't mean they don't want it. Most suicidal people are deeply conflicted about ending their lives and wish there was an alternative. If you suspect someone is considering suicide, talking openly about suicidal thoughts can save a life.

Get Help Now

Need Immediate Help? Call 2-1-1 OR text your zip code to 898211

The Trevor Project provides comprehensive support and resources for LGBTQ+ youth. Connect to a counselor for 24/7, 365 day a year confidential crisis support

211 Palm Beach and Treasure Coast: 211 is a community helpline and crisis hotline that provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention, information, assessment, and referral to community services for people of all ages: 211 Online Chat

Any child or adolescent with suicidal thoughts or plans should be evaluated immediately by a trained and qualified mental health professional.


En Español

Nemours Kids Health ¿Es simplemente una etapa o es un problema serio? Ayude a su hijo a manejar los altibajos de la vida, desde enfrentar un divorcio hasta un nuevo hermano. O sepa cómo comprender el comportamiento de su hijo, ya sea el berrinche de un niño pequeño o la depresión de un adolescente.

Child Mind Institute

El Child Mind Institute se dedica a transformar la vida de los niños y las familias que enfrentan trastornos de salud mental y del aprendizaje, al brindarles la ayuda que necesitan para salir adelante.

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